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Thank you for speaking to us last Wednesday (5/22/24).

“Going through the Grief Process with emphasis on the word ‘through.’ ” Lynne discussed her personal experience, which The Citrus Chronicle has been gracious enough to allow her to share through my “Laflines” columns these past several months. She lost her husband, Peter, to Lewy Body Dementia on 2-18-23. From numb, to denial, to anger, to depression and finally to acceptance, she continued to vacillate from one stage to the next, in no order. Gradually though, she got better.

Her background can be summarized with a bachelor’s degree in communication. She has been a writer, editor, adult education writing instructor and substance abuse counselor. Lynne retired from the working world in 2018 but then devoted herself to her husband’s care. Now a widow, she credits the writing process itself for helping her to heal.

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