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Jocelyn Chapman, Jimmy Sudlow and Sergeant Evan Marshall

Jocelyn Chapman, who is Immediate Past President of Rotary District 6950. Thank you for visiting KBR! 11/02/2022  We welcomed our guests Deputy Jimmy Sudlow nad Sergeant Evan Marshall, both of the County Marine Unit. Jimmy explained how the unit – consisting of three full time deputies and two part-timers – patrols the waters nine miles […]

Aiden Marshall

It was a special treat for us to host Aiden Marshall and his team of four detectives on this “chicken day” and hear them speak about their duties in the Bomb Squad of Citrus County. Aiden, who is an honorary member of our club, explained how the team goes through intensive 6-week training under guidance […]

County Commissioner Holly Davis

County Commissioner Holly Davis was our guest speaker. Holly’s charge is to lead the strategic planning process for Citrus County. She explained that her approach to planning is ensuring that the process is citizen-led. A two-day retreat conference covering all facets of county life led to a statement of mission, vision, and key strategic goals. […]

Troy Willingham

Our special guests were District 5960 Governor Troy Willingham and Assistant District Governor Lace Blue, who eloquently introduced Governor Troy. He showed his enthusiasm for the Rotary mission by talking about several service projects he was personally involved with as a member of the St Pete’s Rotary Club. He also expressed his appreciation for our […]

Andrea Arflack

Our speaker was Andrea Arflack, Director of Philanthropy at Chapter Health System supporting HPH Hospice. She explained that her program aims to honor the special wishes of individual patients, thus setting it apart from other hospice programs. Her organization also provides grief support for the population of six to seventeen year olds. Roughly 75% of […]

Eric Head

We are thankful for all of our members, but Phil goes above and beyond for us! These are some tomato plants that he plants and tends to. Then he asks for donations and the proceeds go back to the club. Thank you Phil! Our speaker was Eric Head, Director of the Citrus County Library System. […]

Joshua Hicks

Joshua Hicks of the Handy Hicks Company was our speaker. At the age of 25, he founded his own company that provides handymen’s services to the poorest segment of our county’s population. Furthermore, Joshua tells the story of how he came to organize a skill-building class for young people in the age group of 10 […]

Evelyn Walker and Denise Scott

Our speakers, Evelyn Walker and Denise Scott, explained what BFF stands for: Best Friends Forever. The group was formed in 2010 and aims to further women’s professional and personal development. The group’s mission is to change lives through education by raising funds for student scholarships, open to both male and female students in Citrus County.

Garrett Hickman

The highlight of our meeting was our speaker, Garrett Hickman. Introduced by his dad and club member David Hickman, Garrett, at 17 years old, told us about his life’s experiences. Homeschooled through 8th grade, Garrett followed environmental studies and sustainable development at the Tremont Institute and volunteering was a large part of his education. He […]

Shaunda Burdette

Shaunda Burdette, Executive Director of the Citrus County Education Foundation. Shaunda has served the Citrus County School District with distinction since moving here in 2007. She told us about the work of her Foundation and how it serves the needs of 15,000 students in the county through 34 programs. Important efforts include the teacher’s store […]

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