Thank you, DuWayne Sipper for speaking to us about The Path.
DuWayne Sipper is the Founder and Executive Director of The Path, a rescue mission serving Citrus and Marion Counties (Florida) since 2001. He recalls being awakened one night many years ago and hearing his calling: start a homeless shelter. When he began to walk out this calling, he was told there was no homeless shelter in Citrus County—only a domestic violence shelter. The rest is a 20+ year journey of faith and perseverance.
Located in rural Citrus County, Florida, (approximately 90 miles north of Tampa), The Path has been in operation since 2001 and sheltered over 2,500 homeless or displaced men, women and children. In 2019, after completing a four-year capital campaign, The Path finished major renovations on a motel complex and moved sheltering, programs and operations there. This campus is ideally suited to shelter more women with children, single men with their children and intact families. The Path is a privately funded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and relies almost entirely upon the private donations of the Citrus and Marion County communities to run its programs.